Call for Submissions: Actipedia

Actipedia – our open-access, community generated wiki to document, share and inspire creative activism – is looking for fresh submissions! You can contribute to Actipedia! Here’s two wildly different but incredibly effective creative actions to get your wheels turning. The Condom On Jesse Helms’ House Remember that scene from Pose where Blanca and the squad …

Join Actipedia

Actipedia is an open-access, user-generated database of creative activism. It’s a place to read about, comment upon, and share experiences and examples of how activists and artists are using creative tactics and strategies to challenge power and offer visions of a better society. Actipedia draws case studies from everywhere: original submissions, reprinted news articles, snippets …

Actipedia Revisited: The Pink Chaddi Campaign

It’s International Women’s Day! So this week, we’re taking a look at a really powerful piece of collective creative activism that managed to have a real material impact on a very troubling and potentially violent situation. The Pink Chaddi Campaign was an action devised by the “Consortium of Pub-going, Loose, and Forward Women” (PLFW) in …

Actipedia Revisited: Women on Waves

So this week we’re doffing our caps to the work of Women on Waves, who worked with our good friends at Yes Lab to create the website ‘Misopolis’, a fabricated fashion brand which claimed to provide free abortion pills to its female workers in order to set them free and to create a fun …

Actipedia Revisited: Mcdonald’s Videogame

This week we’re taking a look at the McDonald’s Videogame, where you own and operate a McDonald’s restaurant. In the game you have the choice to try to operate ethically or make decisions like using genetically modified soy or administering bovine growth hormone. If you go the ethical route, you bankrupt the company and lose. The …

Actipedia: Pigasus for President

CHICAGO At the Democratic National Convention in Chicago in 1968, the Yippies (Youth International Party) nominated a pig for president, with the campaign pledge: “They nominate a president and he eats the people. We nominate a president and the people eat him.” This porcine political maneuver was the brainchild of sixties activists Abbie Hoffman and …

Actipedia Revisited: Princess Hijab

‘My art has nothing to do with religion.’ This week we’re throwing the spotlight on the guerilla street art of Princess Hijab. Princess Hijab détournes advertising in public spaces: superimposing black veils onto the iconography of popular culture. ‘The Hijab is very powerful, not just religiously. It has been used in fairytales. It is part of the …

Actipedia Revisted: Pro-Choice Trolling

From the vaults of Actipedia this week we’re looking at a subtle way of subverting your local store to do your messaging for you! When Hobby Lobby, the US craft store, filed a lawsuit against a federal mandate requiring employers to provide insurance coverage for contraceptives Jasmine Shea and Nathaniel Peck decided to take action. …

Actipedia Revisited: #occupysmallstreet

This week we’re giving a shout out to small-scale activism with the #occupysmallstreet movement. First inspired by a doll-sized action in Siberia, this example has been created by Arts X Activism  from Melbourne, Australia. Signs are made collectively, by regular Occupy Small Street-ers and members of the public (adults and children) who stop by and have …

Actipedia revisited: Public Movement – ‘Re-Branding European Muslims’ (2012)

Each week we’ll be calling back to an example of creative activism from our website Actipedia – an open-access, user-generated database of creative activism. This week we’d like to highlight this really powerful piece of arts activism by Public Movement, a Tel Aviv based ‘performative research body’. In 2012 they created Re-Branding European Muslims to investigate conflict … A Wikipedia for Social Change

  Looking for some inspiration for your next creative activist project? Look no further than, which is described as a wikipedia for social change allowing users to post and share visions for a better world and ideas of specific progressive changes they would like to see happen.   It was founded on a simple …